About Us
Specialty Building Products is a critical link in the value chain between manufacturers of specialty products and our customers.

Disciplined Execution
A critical link in the value chain between manufacturers of specialty products and our customers
The Manufacturers
We serve the most respected manufacturers of the best and most innovative brands in the building products industry.

Sales, Marketing, and logistic solutions that bring a wide range of high value, sku intensive, and logistically complicated specialty building products to dealers serving the repair and remodel (“R&R”) and new construction marketplaces
Best in class sales operations that are managed under a centralized strategy and informed by big data and metrics
Best in class inventory, warehouse and trucking operations managed through standardized and metric driven processes
The Linkage
The Customers
We serve local, regional, and national building material dealers, national one step distributors, national retail chains, industrial, and OEM manufacturers.

Dedication to Values
The single most important element that drives long term performance.

What We Believe
SBP and all of our operating brands are a “VALUES” based organization. We seek to serve people first, and we operate according to a moral compass aimed at doing what is right even when it is hard. We extend this values-based perspective to each of our employees, our customers, our suppliers, and our communities. We do not underestimate the power of our employees' ability to have a uniquely positive impact on the people around us.

Fastest growing distributor of building materials in North America

Growth with a clear and proven acquisition and integration strategy
Growth through a clear and proven strategy for geographic and market segment expansion by the acquisition and integration of high performing, synergistic businesses.
Growth through a clear and proven strategy for organic market share gains including product line extensions, category expansion and value-added services.
Growth enabled by an intentionally designed operating infrastructure utilizing best in class data warehousing, best in class business intelligence, and best in class decision making processes.